Back From Formentera & Ibiza

Posted by: Carezze30

Sep 19, 2013

Remembering the wonderful islands! Spiagge stupende, acqua cristallina, sexy coppie e tanto, tanto s.... ;-) Kisses carezze30

Recent Comments for Back From Formentera & Ibiza (25)
  • È davvero un paradiso, con la bellezza di poter camminare nudi ovunque. gopher@
  • She's incredibly sexy! Would you like to share photos? Killbill100@
  • Just baffled by the SPAMMERs like 'watch out' who keep posting the same critique on every post, like we don't notice.
  • Bellissimo tuuto lei soprattutto. Vorremmo andarci l'anno prossimo ma ci sono spiagge in particolare per nudisti o miste? Alex e Anna
  • just baffled at the SPAMMER's like westcoast9 (.a. ncdave), mikepatrick and MT007 who keep posting the same copy & paste comment everywhere. Do they really think we contributors don't look at others message boards and see thie comments there too? Are they really just that lazy or do they really think we're that stoopid?
  • Che splendore... sei un uomo fortunato! :-) Baci da roma-xxx at libero dot it
  • Complimenti siete veramente una splendida coppia.. Un saluto da un fotografo.. sexy-girl@ kiss
  • Hi Your Absolutely stunning!!!!! Sensual Body!!! Beautiful Boobs!! Awesome Ass!! perfect Pussy!!! :) like to see your Pretty face it is just a shame so lovely pictures ;) of your perfect body and a blured face. :( I hope to see MUCH more of you!!! Maybe you could even e-mail me? With love from Belguim tdepoorter@
  • Always SUPERB
  • last pic got you a fair vote
  • Poor. The last pic ruined it all.
  • vero? ahahahahah
  • Perfect tits and a great sexy ass. dave_fun@
  • good god, you are perfection! thx! More please.
  • very sexy your perky boobs.

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