A Dream Comes True

Posted by: Marcelr61

Oct 5, 2012

I was at a lake in Switzerland. Saw this girl lying in the sun. I had my Olympus miu (waterproof 10 meter) with me and then she went swimming. My heart beats very hard when I went into the water and swimming and crossing her filming her under water !!! A 20 Year long dream comes true. It was Hammer-amacing. ...but look yourself


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Recent Comments for A Dream Comes True (9)
  • If you believe that guy's story you probably also believe that a kindly Ukranian billionaire will pay you $10-million to help him bring $100-million into the United States and all you have to do is give him your checking account number and soclal security number. Right? Of course you do! Pfudd! 
  • meegpmxfrs, if your pussy feels like it is "in fire" you're due for a quick trip to the free clinic. Go now!
  • Mmm nice if true... then the last pic is awesome! Keep them cumming
  • I sent two pics more (closer views) - where are they? censorship?
  • isch am Waläsee gsii - zhinterscht in Betlis grad nach der Schiffs anlegestell - da badä si immer nackt - ich hett no me bilder
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